How to hang your wall planters correctly the first time

How to hang your wall planters correctly the first time

Getting your wall planters installed properly can be TOUGH. When you’re up close working on the wall, you have no sense of perspective or proportion, so it becomes very difficult to judge where the planters should be hung to achieve the best effect. 

It can be tempting to try to get your platners up ASAP, but I strongly encourage you to take 15 minutes to do the following before you make any holes. 

Step 1

Decide what kind of plants you want to use in your planters. Will they be long and dangly? Or round? Or tall? 

Step 2

Take a picture of the wall you would like to decorate

Step 3

Open the picture in an image editor, whichever is available on your phone or computer. In this example, I use “Preview” on my mac. But, any editor that allows you to add shapes to your images will work, including the photo apps on your phone. 

Step 4

Based on the type of plants you are planning to use, create shapes in your photo editor to represent your wall planters. 

For example, if you are planning to plant Boston Ferns, create round shapes. If you are planning to plant Devil’s Ivy, make tall/long shapes. 

Color the shapes to approximate the color of the plants.

 In addition to plants, you may want to include other objects that you’d like to include in your wall decor. For example, maybe you’d also like to hang some art. I’ve represented the art I plan to hang with a grey box in these images. 

Step 5

Once you’ve found the best arrangement for your wall, make note of where each of the items is in relation to the surrounding objects. Then measure, and make pencil marks on your wall to determine where you need to make holes. 

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