
We released our first product (not pictured here) four years ago. There wasn't a lot of original design in it, and it ultimately didn't succeed. Since then, we have focused on creating unique objects that we would want to use.

Our products are simple, but our ambition is big: to create objects that truly serve our customers and the world. 

January 2016

Bamboo magnets are born

Sloppy-looking fridges and magnets that don't work well are kind of my kryptonite. The goal was to make a fun and elegant magnet product that would also be plenty strong.

March 2018

Wall planters created

I've always been excited about the possibility of having real plants on my wall. In 2017 I set out to make a product that my 23 year-old self would love and would also be able to afford! 

Being a bit of a perfectionist, the process took WAY longer than I expected it to, but we got it done :) 

January 2020

Website Launched!

For most of our history, we've sold on Amazon. 

Now, we have our own website! We're excited to have the opportunity to communicate more directly with our customers, and to share a bit more about who we are! 

Learn more about our products here.